Payment and Banking
From season 2023/24 all payments MUST be paid via Standing Order only on 1st day or 15th day of the month. Payments are to be made from September through to May (9 Months).
The Fee for 2023/24 season is £30PCM
When setting up standing orders, please make sure you state Child/Players Name – Age Group as a reference to avoid any confusion over subscription payments.
i.e. D. Brown - U10’s
Banking Details
Barclays Bank plc
Sort code 20-93-15
Account # 10530506
Any missed payment or payments that aren’t received by the aforementioned dates players will be unable to play and will not being included in the match day squad until arears are paid and the standing order is correctly activated.
If you have any issues with your Standing Order or payments, please contact our Treasurer or Chairman for support and guidance.