Team Managers & Coaches Code of Conduct
We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment in which children can learn and enjoy the game. Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct at all times.
As a manager / coach you have a responsibility to follow this Respect Code of Conduct.
A manager / coach should:
Use my position to set a positive example for the young people I am responsible for
Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers,officials and spectators
Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game
Promote Fair Play and high standards of behaviour
Respect the match official’s decision
Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
Be gracious in victory and defeat.
Offer fair playing time to all regardless of the level of standard for individuals
Ensure that I adhear to the clubs ethos
Advocate for fair play, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for everyone involved
Exhibit good sportsmanship and positive behavior both on and off the field.
Encourage players to demonstrate fair play, teamwork, and respect towards opponents.
Handle conflicts or disputes in a professional and constructive manner.
Seek guidance from club officials or relevant authorities when necessary.
A manager / coach should:
Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning
Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying
Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
Ensure all activities I organise are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity
Co-operate fully with others in football (e.g. officials, doctors, physiotherapists, welfare officers) for each player’s best interests.
Treat all participants fairly, irrespective of factors such as race, gender, nationality, religion, or ability.
Cultivate an inclusive and welcoming environment that embraces players from diverse backgrounds.
Treat all participants, including players, parents, coaches, officials, and volunteers, with respect and courtesy.
Managers and Coaches Obligations to The Opposing Team:
A manager / coach should:
Treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game.
Safeguard the physical fitness of opponents, avoid violence and rough play, and help injured opponents.
Shake hands with the opposing team at the end of the game.
Respect for The Laws of the Game And Competition Rules:
A manager / coach should:
Know and abide by the Laws, rules and spirit of the game, and the competition rules.
Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, equally.
Resist any temptation to take banned substances or use banned techniques.
Respect Towards the Match Officials:
A manager / coach should:
Accept and respect the decision of the Match Official without protest.
Avoid words or actions that may mislead a Match Official.
Show due respect towards Match Officials and shake their hands at the end of the game.
Avoid using any foul, abusive or offensive language towards match officials.
Respect Towards Spectators:
A manager / coach should:
Show due respect to the interests of spectators, from both your own team and the opposition, particularly young spectators.
Lead by example
Report any poor behaviour from any spectatotrs to the Club Welfare Officer and respective leage representatives
I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my
club, County FA or The FA:
• Required to meet with the club, league or County Welfare Officer
• Suspended by the club from attending matches
• Suspended or fined by the County FA
• Required to leave or be sacked by the club.
• My FA Coaching Licence may be withdrawn & DBS