Last Man Standing Rules
£10 Entry fee to be paid to account - xx-xx-xx / xxxxxxxx Using Referance - YourName Week# (Number will be shared off line)
£10 Entry each time the game is reset, the game is reset when we have an eventual winner and the money is won, or if all players are out the pot is rolled over and all players re-enter. (If its a roll over its unfair to add people to the rest game unless they wanted to pay X amount of weeks, ie rolled over to week 2 - 10 x 2 weeks = £20 for entry).
Each week all entrants must pick a Premier League team to win their game, games for weeks are Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday
If entrants team win, they’re through to next round. Lose or draw, and the entrant is out of the competition.
Entrants must notify the organiser by Friday of each week 18:45hrs of their Selection. If you do not select a team by the deadline, or in the event of you nominating a team that you have already used, you will be assigned the lowest alphabetic ordered team in the table, that you have not previously selected.
You cannot select the same team to win more than once during the competition. i.e Week 1 Man U - Week 2 - anyone but Man U
I doesn't matter if you have the same team as someone else, you either both go through or both go out.
Once you have chosen a team, you cannot change it.
If a match involving your Selection is postponed (after you have made your selection), you will continue to the next round. However, that team will no longer be available for you to pick in the following rounds.
50% of the takings will be prize money, 50% will be reinvested back to our teams.
Game 2 - Week 5 Match days 27/04/2024 - 28/04/2024
Roll Over Game - NO
Current Winnings £130.00
Entered: 26
Remain: 1 (Winner Joanne Wade)