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Where and when do you train?We train on Astro Turf at Aston Univiersity, Birmingham Road, Walsall, WS5 3LQ every Friday between 18:00hrs and 20:00hrs U8, U9, U10 and U11 Between 18:00hrs and 19:00hrs U12, U13, U14 and U15 Between 19:00hrs and 20:00hrs
Do you train on grass or astro turf?We train on Astro turf so please ensure you wear suitable footware
Where are your home pitches?Teams between the ages of U8 and U12 all play at various soccer centres that are run by the Walsall Junior Youth Leage. U13 and above all play home games at Moor Lane, B6 7AA.
How much is it to train?Currently we do not charge from training, even if you are not signed for our team. However If you are not signed and wish to train any donation towards the running of the club and therefore ensrure we use the best equiptment availibe would be greatfully accepted.
How can I sponsor a team?Please contact our chairman Andy Baker for futher details.
What Leagues Do Your Teams Enter?All Mini Soccer up to U12's play in the Walsall Junior Youth League and the pitches are at various Soccer Centers. All Other age groups U13's upwards genrally play in the Walsall Junior Youth League however we are flexible if it suits the team and the manager to support teams in other leagues as we have done in the past.
Are all your teams insured ?Yes, We are affiliated with Birmingham FA, as a club we must be affiliated and this process is an annual process. As part for that affiliation process each team must be insured.
Can I become a manager?Yes, we encourage people to become managers, each age goup needs a manager to run, We will put you through your FA Level 1 to ensure you have the qulifications needed to become a qualified coach. If you are interested please contact one of our committee members and they will support you where needed.
What qualifications do your managers / coaches have?ALL our managers MUST have at least an FA Level 1 badge, with this they also obtain Safegaurding Chirldren, Emergancy aid and have fully enhanced DBS forms.
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